Stay Relevant - Find your opportunities! Stay up to date with your local market conditions. Housing prices have risen and your past clients have equity! Use this as the perfect time to reach out, send CMA and let them know how much their home is now worth!
Relationships! Real Estate is a relationship business! Staying top of mind with your SOI is crucial for your referral business! Send note cards, value worthy emails, personal videos, snail mail... keep in touch with your Sphere!!!
Stop being a Secret Agent! Build that online presence. We know this is something we mention A LOT but it is because it blows our mind how many agents don't have anything in their personal online profiles! Make sure you have that you are a REALTOR, have your website and other social links listed in every single profile you have! Stop making it so hard for people to find you! Use social to keep in touch after the close. Take 10 minutes daily to comment on social posts.
Some Additional Tips:
Get a current list all in ONE place! Add notes & personal details to your contacts! Maybe take it one step further and categorize your list.
Be genuine with your approach, reach out the way you normally would
Plan tasks ahead of time and do it! (What gets scheduled, gets done)
Do some memory jogger exercises to grow your list! But keep this list at a manageable size, Remember, your sphere are people that already know, like & trust you!
Focus on giving value / learning vs selling
Center your mission, vision & values - Remember your passion and it will flow easier!
Weekly Activity
Write five notes to amazing clients just to tell them thank you and that you are thinking of them.
Words of Wisdom
Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears. _ Les Brown