Are you running the day or letting the day run you? Do you run your business like a

business or are you letting your business run you? As the market is finally making an adjustment to a "Normal" market, many agents that entered the business in the last 5 years may have been lucky to get the business and sales that have helped their business and not had the time to really focus on setting up a routine for their business.
Here are 4 things we think every real estate agent should be doing daily to set themselves up for long term success.
Work your CMS (Client Management System)
Hopefully you have a Client Management System, even if it is a simple spreadsheet. Adding your sphere and past clients to your database can be crucial for your long term business. After all, these people already know, like and trust you! Spend 15 minutes a day to keep this up to date, add notes, maybe organize by A, B, C "lists". Knowing who already recommends you and what communications you have had with everyone on your list could make a huge difference in your real estate business!
Send at least one personal note card daily (or 5 per week)
We love social media to be able to know what is going on in someone's life. This also gives us a peak inside their personal life and ways that we can send a personal note card. We think it is EXTREMELY tacky to throw your business card in these personal note cards but if you want it branded, you can easily have custom cards made that have your branding on it. We still don't think this is necessary, but at least get those cards out and make sure to add this to your CRM.
Touch base with a past buyer and see how they are doing.
Send a personal email, text or call to a past client to see how they are doing. Maybe they were going to do some home improvements on the home and you can see how that project is going, if so, ask to see photos (they will love that you remembered this)! Remember something about your conversations and use this as your reason for reaching out! Make sure to note this conversation and set up a follow up in your CRM! Maybe you could offer to do a CMA on their property so they can see how much equity they have earned since their purchase!
Take time for you and your family
Don't forget to disconnect and recharge yourself. Even in busy times you have to keep that balance for yourself. Take a Yoga class, go out to dinner with your loved one's), go to the kids game and be "present". Put the phone down for a couple hours.
Plan four activities to recharge before the end of summer and do them!
Your FUTURE is CREATED by what you do TODAY, not tomorrow