Demographic characteristics of Realtors
The typical REALTOR® in Florida was 56 years old
67 percent of all REALTORS® were female.
14 percent of REALTORS® had a previous career in management, business, or finance, and 12 percent in sales or retail. Only five percent of REALTORS® reported real estate was their first career.
52 percent of REALTORS® in Florida reported real estate was their only occupation.
80 percent of REALTORS® own their primary residence in Florida.
Business characteristics of Realtors
69 percent of REALTORS® were licensed sales agents, 18 percent held broker licenses, and 15 percent held broker associate licenses.
The typical REALTOR® had 9 years of experience.
71 of REALTORS® were very certain they would remain active as a real estate professional for two more years.