I will never forget my experience of doing a tour through Zappos the year Tony Hsieh was a Keynote Speaker for the RE/MAX Convention. After reading his book "Delivering Happiness" my thoughts and expectations of customer service completely shifted. I remember the years working in different industries and everything was about quick call times and we were rewarded for this, whereas at Zappos it was 100% about the consumers happiness and they were rewarded with the longest calls and everyone was trained on all aspect of the jobs, everyone would be expected to help with calls during the Holidays and the executives worked in cubicles just like everyone else. The only closed door was the accountant's office. It was an eye opening experience for sure.
Have you ever pondered why someone would pay more for a pair of shoes? (Think Zappo's & Toms), or why is someone willing to wait in the longest line for the most expensive coffee when there is no line at the other places serving coffee? (Think Starbucks). People are willing to pay more for their "Experience" and they are loyal to the core!
Here are some ideas on Delivering Extraordinary Experiences while in the Real Estate Industry.
Simple Advice, be their agent before you are their agent.
Through video, blogs, social posts you can easily answer the questions you get all the time! These are offering a ton of value yo those who may just have started the buying or selling process. Give value & information, it is more powerful than you think! Not just real estate advice, think bigger! Think of your area, schools, local businesses, be the Real Estate Mayor of your area and the go to person. People will remember this.
Stay in touch with past clients
Your past clients already know, like and trust you... the power is after the sale. Stay in touch through note cards for special occasions, regular email campaigns, yearly client appreciation events. Those past clients have a lot of friends & family that they would love to refer to you! Recently Jared James said each client is valued at $170,000 EACH! Hopefully keeping that number in mind will help add this to your MUST DO list in your business plan!
Response Time Matters!
One of the biggest complaints consumers have is response time (or lack of it). Make sure you have asked the consumer their preferred method of contact and use that. We may love texts but if they prefer a phone call, make sure that is how you are reaching out to them. Also make sure you are in touch with your clients often, ask questions, let them know what is going on before they reach out to you with a question.
Those are just a few ideas, but always think about the consumer's experience as you are working for them and let them know ahead of time that you are working for a 5 star review and let them help guide you on what that looks like. Always set out to Exceed their Expectations!
Find articles that make you smile and laugh and pass it along on social, your next email campaign and even via text. It's a lamplighter in a tough world and a conversation starter for you!
People will forget what you said. People will forget what you did. But people will NEVER Forget how you made them feel. -Mayo Angelo