Every agent is constantly searching for a means to stand out to generate more leads, command authority in their chosen niche and become relevant in the business. This whole struggle is what spawned the idea of real estate farming and smart farming.
1. Direct mailing or email
Since smart farming helps you focus on a specific area of choice, sending out direct mail and emails to your listings is easier considering the size. To be successful at this strategy, you must provide value with whatever content you’re pushing out. Subsequently, you can follow up with local daily advertisements, showing up at local events, or getting involved in your community.
2. Using predictive analytics to generate listings
Knowing the best predictive analytics system that will provide you with satisfying results is the first step to take. Use a system that will consider and study past occurrences and provide you with the real-estate futuristic forecast in your farm.
3. Online ads
With over 246 million unique Google users in the United States, and 190 million people on Facebook, the internet spaces provide a massive reach for real estate agents. Through these platforms, you can reach out to your prospects via online advertisements.
In conclusion, smart farming is a marketing strategy that will make your farming efforts productive. It will boost your business and your prospects will know that you know what is best for them. You will be able to focus on true homebuyers and sellers.
Through smart farming, your real estate will march to the next level!
Reach out to those you haven’t seen in a long while and make a plan to reconnect.
Opportunities don't happen. You create them. ~Chris Grosser