Want to make a consistently high annual income, no matter the market? The trick is in staying in touch with past clients and your sphere of influence.
This monthly email sequence is deceptively simple. Its powe comes from its consistency and its focus on quality local information. Here's what to send out each week:
Week 1: Restaurant of the month — Pick a local restaurant to highlight.
Week 2: Stats of the month — Share interesting market data. You can make this extra easy by using RPR's Market Trends ScriptWriter, which will analyze data and write text for you to use as a video script or article.
Week 3: Deal of the month — Pick out a great listing and showcase it.
Week 4: News of the month — Talk about new housing developments, upcoming festivals, new community infrastructure, etc. Carruth suggests staying away from national news and sticking to local topics only.
To ensure that your emails resonate with readers, remember what separates your messages from the competition: you.
So don't be afraid to add your personal opinions and personal flair to your emails — it's exactly what your readers are looking for! Go ahead and say just which appetizer or cocktail blows your mind at your restaurant of the month, or what stat gets you revved up about the local housing market.
Consistency or Bust
No matter how great your emails, if you don't send them out consistently, they're not going to make the impact you hope for.